Intention Setting for the Year Ahead
4 min read

Intention Setting for the Year Ahead

Guest Author: Erin Dusek


Everything starts with an intention. When we take time to focus on our intentions and be clear on where we want to action ourselves, we can create a life that is aligned with our dreams. 


The start of the year is a great time to set your intentions for how you want to move forward, but it is so important that we come back with those intentions in time to re-evaluate and check in to see whether we are still aligned with them.


Our lives are continually changing and evolving so it is important that we are flexible and adaptable with our intentions, and not too rigid or attached to a plan or outcome. But it is always good to set intentions so you have some sort of direction and you're not just moving aimlessly through life.


It’s a balancing act - having intention and direction of where you want your life to move but also relinquishing control over a specific outcome. Sometimes what we think is best for us isn’t always so and the universe has better plans in store! 


The new year can be overwhelming when people all around you seemingly have their lives together and know exactly what their goals and intentions are for the year ahead. But what if you have no clue where to start? Fear not! You are not alone! Many of us feel like this at this time of year but sometimes we just need to seek a little help and guidance…


On ‘The Gratitude Retreat’ the very first thing we do on day one is make a list of our dreams and desires aka a list of intentions for our life/year/month/week ahead. On the retreat, I suggest we break our intentions down into categories to help us hone in on what we want in our lives and to allow us to get really specific. For example, career, relationships, money, or health. And then you make a list of what you want in those areas of your life. 


A very important factor in setting our intentions (that is often missed out) is the actioning steps that we need to take. So we start with the thought/intention, then we need to think about the actioning steps we need to make, otherwise, that thought never becomes reality. This is one of the tasks we do on day 25 of ‘The Gratitude Retreat’ once we have had some time to refine our intentions. 


‘The Gratitude Retreat’ is a 28-day programme consisting of daily meditation, journaling tasks and yoga, all based around the theme of gratitude. It is open all year round for new members. For more info or to become a member go to 


You can try one of my meditations now for free by going to @nuzest_europe on Instagram to give you a feel for the work we do on the retreat. 


Follow me on Instagram for more tips and insights @erindusek @thegratituderetreat